Saturday, July 3, 2010

IBM chosen Firefox

Mozilla Firefox selected by IBM to become especial browser of IBM. Mozilla Firefox include in all new product of IBM. This Matter is explained by VP Open Source IBM Bob Sutor at his blog , " We officially enhance goal feel new software, which will be used by entire/all employees. The Software is Mozilla Firefox browser," write Sutor. So 400.000 IBM employees in all the world will use Firefox as especial browser.

In his blog, Sutor also explain that its Firefox can become barer standard browser, and also is peaceful the than other browser. Personally Sutor believe that Firefox can control browser war which in this time is happened.
Firefox in this time represent source open browser which work well in Windows, Linux and or Mac. According to Sutor, computing cloud represent one of the impeller factor to consumer to chosen open-source browser.

Why competent consumer use Firefox?
  1. Firefox according to standard open at IBM strategy
  2. Firefox is open source browser which is development is delivered by community, and non up at is commercial
  3. Firefox very peaceful because looked after internal community consisting of all expert
  4. Firefox can customize to requirement of company or organisation like IBM

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